Thursday, October 21, 2010

Marred and Molded

“So I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw him working at the wheel. But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him… ‘Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.’” Jeremiah 18:3-4, 6b

All we have to do is look around to see the work that God is accomplishing. There are so many testimonies in the world that point to God as Savior and Deliverer. We see God creating through births and working for the good of the Kingdom through His servants. We testify to His goodness and marvel at His interventions.

But, what happens when we are the marred clay in His hands? How do we respond when He is molding, shaping and dismantling through our adversities? No one likes suffering but these are the times when God refines our faith and reworks our hearts. We can settle in His hands and allow the growing pains, with faith and belief in a hopeful future or we can fight the potter’s life-changing hands.

The two behaviors essential to being molded and reshaped are the willingness to be taught by God and remaining in God through our adversities. We must acknowledge that this is a fallen world with pain, suffering and death which we will all experience. Through these experiences we have the opportunity to know God more intimately and grow in His character. The second element is to remain in Him through all of life’s trials and tribulations. We can do nothing apart from Him. ‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing.’ John 15:5

We must be the clay in His hands in all situations, trusting that our marred lower nature needs reworking and remolding. Rest in the peace that His sweet hands have the loving nature of restoration and the imperfections will be gently sculpted for our good and the good of His kingdom.

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