Thursday, May 25, 2017

Crumbling Foundations

“I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me…I will not fear.” Psalm 4:6

A while back Bruce and I discovered that we have mold under our 33-year-old home.  We knew at some point we would have to remediate so we considered our best options.  We found a man who needed work and had recently done the same work under another home.  Bruce ensured that he had the necessary safety equipment, and the man began our work.  The next morning Bruce went to pick up the man but he didn’t answer the door.  Bruce sent a text and received one back from his wife that during the night he had stopped breathing and he was in ICU.  Instantly Bruce’s world seemed to dissolve into chaos.  His imagination took him to places of intense fear as he tried to understand the impact our job might have had on this man’s life.  He called me and asked me for immediate prayers which we both began lifting.  We weren’t sure if he was a Christian so we recited God’s word back to Him that God doesn’t want anyone to perish but everyone to repent and have eternal life.  We begged God to extend this man’s life.  It was certainly a scary day, a day where we ‘prayed without ceasing.’  We finally received word that the man was doing much better and was moved out of ICU.  It was discovered that he had both an undetected heart condition and pneumonia.  Bruce and his friend will be going up there this morning to share the love of Christ with him.  When I think about that first day and the fear, disbelief and chaos we felt I was reminded this morning that ‘God is not a God of disorder but of peace.’ 1 Co 14:33.  I also remembered that God has both the desire and ability to shoulder our circumstances and our fears. 

I know we are not the only ones who have received that text…that phone call…that news.  We all have had our very cores shaken by an event.  We have all wanted to ‘un-see, un-hear or un-discover’ something that is disparaging.  But we must remember that the very breath we take is from God who determines every detail of our life.  He works in us and through us to orchestrate His will which involves many people and many circumstances.  We must believe with wholeheartedness and confidence that our future up ahead is His history, complete and revealed.  With His total knowledge of our future He is not going to make any wrong decisions on our behalf.  They might be tough decisions for us to walk out but we are each equipped by Him with whatever we need to pilgrimage through our circumstances. 

If the foundation feels like it is crumbling beneath you take it God who is the Rock on which we can stand.  He is our firm footing and will not let us fall.  

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