Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Wherever We Go

Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

It is so easy to read a passage or verse so many times that it loses its power in the message.  I fear that this is one of those verses that we must intentionally read and pause word by word.  God gives us His do’s and don’ts for our walk.  He knows we have the capability to be strong in Him and very courageous.  He is well aware that when we completely trust in Him, our fear and discouragement melt away.  He describes the places we can count on His strength and courage…wherever we go.

I have experienced this first hand in my own life.  When my sister and dad were both in Hospice, Jesus walked with me down the hallways.  When my knees rubbed against the carpet during my child’s drug use His knees were also bent.  As my tears streamed down my face behind closed doors heartbroken over an issue He was right there wiping them.  When I was driving to the hospital to meet my new grandchild, He was in the car.  He was at my wedding…He was at my loved one’s funeral …He was there and He is here.  This verse boasts that He is everywhere and anywhere all the time.

So, what is your ‘wherever you go?’ Wherever you go might be that interview in hopes of a job. Wherever you go could the bank where you must get a loan to continue to eat.  Wherever you go may be the chemo chair at the medical building, or the hospital to visit your friend or family.  Wherever you go might be to place flowers on your loved one’s earthly resting place.  God promises that there is not one place where He will not accompany you.  It is the only definite in a verse of choices.  Will we choose courage and strength or will we choose fear and discouragement?  Either choice He will not be apart from us.  Either choice He will still be in our midst. Let us affirm that because He is with us wherever we go, we choose His strength and encouraging character.  We chose to believe Him for His word.  We chose confidence that faith is believing that the unseen God goes before us, walks beside us and is our rear guard to protect us. 

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