Monday, June 18, 2018

Rambler Day

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

When I was in high school there was a school tradition near the end of the year. From mid-May on each morning was ushered in with the possibility that the administration would declare the day Rambler Day. Rambler was the name of our year book and once the decision was revealed classes were suspended for the day. We still went from class to class, but it was only to sign each other’s year book, and the day was loosely monitored. Each day I would arise with hopeful anticipation that we would get to school to discover that special day was upon us. Sometimes I wouldn’t do my homework being confident that school would be disrupted with the joy of the announcement.

There are dreams that are secretly tucked in my heart that I am awaiting fulfillment. Some mornings I even dare to speak them aloud wondering if today will be ‘Rambler Day.’ Will today be the day that Heaven declares the celebration of one of my deepest desires? Will I be caught off guard much like a surprise party? Will it be the day that I share my joy with all of those with whom I have shared my longing?

I was wondering this morning what would your Rambler Day look like? Does it look like a partner waltzing into your life to walk out the rest of your life with you? Does it look like remission or healing in your health or the health of your family? Does it look like a new job on the horizon? Might you awake to the joy of a reconciled relationship? When I think of the greatest Rambler Day that could occur it is the day that I will close my eyes to sleep and open my eyes to the gates of Heaven. When I arrive, there will be no school, only the joy of my faith becoming sight and my reunited loved ones. Now that is a Rambler Day in which I can celebrate, but until then I will anticipate the joy of the wonderful blessings that God has for me up ahead on earth. I will continue to ‘do my homework’ just in case today is not the day. I leave the decision up to the One who knows best and am fully confident that my Rambler Day will be on that perfect day when God gives a wink and a nod. The morning will begin with the sun peaking through the trees with the hand of God giving me my deepest desire.

May we all live like those young children awaiting Rambler Day, and anticipate the beautiful things God has for each of us.

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