Friday, June 29, 2018

Reading Our Mail

In the beginning God…” Ge 1:1 “Even so, come, Lord Jesus…Christ be with you all. Amen.” Rev 22:20-21.

This morning as I was thanking God for His beautiful words in the Bible the image of my daddy’s handwriting came to mind. There are few things as powerful as our individual handwriting as it relates to the emotions they emote. My dad has been walking with Jesus for more than 8 years, and we miss him terribly. I went to a certain drawer and found a card just to see his handwriting again. It is amazing how powerful ink on a piece of paper can be. The writing on the card would be meaningless without relationship to fuel it. It is the fellowship that Daddy and I experienced that makes these words come to life and wash deep love and devotion over me.

God has written all His children a beautiful love story from Genesis to Revelation. He signed it personally with His blood and longs for relationship. He shows us His nature through the stories and He reminiscences about our past brothers and sisters in Christ. He writes of His undying love and reminds us of what joy we can have together if we walk with Him. He comforts us just like my dad comforted me through cards of encouragement during tough times. He celebrates with us on the pages of His love stories as we relate to being on the mountaintop at certain times in our own lives. God has written 66 love notes to us and to not open them would be like leaving unopened envelopes from our loved ones… unread words of love, joy and laughter…unread mercies of encouragement and hope.

I would give anything to open my mailbox and see an envelope with the writing below ascribed on the front. But just like our verses this morning, Daddy had a beginning and an amen. His amen affirmed a life of ‘So be it’…a life of ‘It is done’…a life of ‘His kingdom did come.’ Until we gaze at the face of Jesus and our faith becomes our sight, let us take the privilege of reading His love letters to us each day. Through reading God's letters we can become our own letter in Christ.

"It is clear that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts." 2 Co 3:3

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