Monday, June 4, 2018

Room for the Showbread

You shall…make a table…And you shall set the showbread on the table before Me always.” Exodus 25:23, 30

Bruce and I have been part of a dinner club for over 23 years. Month after month 5 couples have rotated offering an evening of fun, food and fellowship. Each couple would go over the top in preparations when it was their turn. Over the years, sometimes we had themes, other times we went to restaurants, and most times we experimented with new dishes on each other. One of the things I loved most was setting the table and sitting down at the table others had set. A table well adorned is a table that invites others to come… take a seat…partake of the feast…an invitation to linger…a time to love.

God had specific commands when instructing His children in the desert. Even in the wilderness there were expectations that a table would be made for those to gather around. God was very explicit as to the way the table should be set. The last instruction was to always place the showbread on the table. ‘The showbread served as a picture of the King’s presence: He was at home, and a meal representing the fellowship he extended to His people was always ready.’ The Study Bible for Women, p. 101.

In thinking of God’s expectations for His children back then I couldn’t help but to think about them in my own life. I know that each morning when I arise I have a new table to set. Will my day reflect a picture of the King’s presence? What will be my placemats? Will my placemats be prayer time and meditation so that they will catch the crumbs of whatever I must ingest that day? What will I prepare to place on my plate? Will I serve grace and mercy, or will bitterness or idleness be the fare of the day? Will I leave space on the table for the Showbread so that my life can display Him as the centerpiece?

The way we prioritize our lives will be the daily table we set. Are we being intentional with the way we are setting our table? Is our table a place of invitation or a place of isolation? Even in the wilderness God promoted community and fellowship, knowing the importance of gathering together. Our hearts will reflect the way we set our lives up regarding fellowship and service. God has been inviting people to the table since He planted trees in the Garden of Eden. He promises each of us a feast in Revelation in eternity. God has set the table for every one of His children, but He will not force us to accept time with Him. May we all take time to come to the table, and see what God has prepared for us, so we may prepare for others.

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