Monday, April 8, 2019

A Chair for All

Then the king said, ‘Is there not still someone of the house of Saul, to whom I may show the kindness of God?’” 2 Sa 9:3

One of the most beautiful stories in the Bible is the friendship between David and Jonathan, son of Saul.   King Saul spent much of his time pursuing David in an effort to kill him because of Saul’s extreme jealousy.  David and Jonathan loved each other and were such close friends.  Years later, once both Saul and Jonathan had died, David as king, sought to find anyone who was related to the family of Saul.  This family had meant so much to him even with all it’s dysfunction and David’s heart was to honor any remaining family.  And so, it was that there was a son of Jonathan who had been crippled in both feet for most of his life.  David wasted no time sending for him and elevating him to share in his wealth and become part of the family.  His name was Mephibosheth and he had been hidden away because of his defect.  David’s invitation to family was beautiful and permanent for the man who had been forgotten.  So Mephibosheth dwelt in Jerusalem, for he ate continually at the king’s table.  And he was lame in both his feet.’ 2 Sa 9:13.

We too have a King who sought us out to bestow His amazing kindness to you and to me.  His desire is to experience life with us and keep us closely around His table.  We all are crippled in our walk needing the kindness of God to be shown to us.  We also have been in hiding not revealing the wounds of our hearts …the sins of our flesh…the shame of our choices.  But Jesus came not to condemn us but to save us and share His abundant spiritual wealth with us.  Mephibosheth wasn’t healed from his lamed state but was permanently invited to a position of power and family.  He went from a crippled orphan to a celebrated royal in the kingdom.  We are no different in our sinful state for healing will not fully come until we stand before the King face to face on that beautiful day.  But until then because Jesus wears the crown and invites us to the table, we all arrive broken but beautiful…crippled but carried…unworthy but chosen.

May we all extend the kindness of God to others as that kindness has been extended to us.  Chairs never run out at the table of the King!

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