Friday, April 24, 2009

Impact Moments

"I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work." John 9:4. KJV

This was the response Jesus gave to the disciples upon restoring the sight of a blind man when they were walking together on earth. Jesus did not lead and teach in a classroom but upon the road on which they traveled. We, as parents, follow in that manner in an effort to make lasting impressions on our children and provide "impact moment" classrooms for teaching as we interact with them daily. Impact moments are moments that are unplanned and orchestrated by God wherein He partners with us in hopes of teaching one of His many principles.

Carol Kent, author of Becoming a Woman of Influence, writes "He (Jesus) used everyday events and interruptions to make truth memorable. He took advantage of what I call 'impact moments' - opportunities to teach or influence that are unplanned. Jesus knew that most people learn best if we walk beside them instead of ahead of them." p.30.

In reading this I couldn't help but to measure my daily walk upon this standard. Several questions came to mind for my evaluation. Am I taking advantage of God's life principles that I am suppose to be teaching? Am I surrendered enough to even recognize these moments when He presents them? What is my walk teaching others? What can I be taught from walking with others?

Impact moments not only shape our own faith but the faith of those walking beside us.
How do you measure up?

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