Friday, April 10, 2009

Pro Choice

"There are times when God sends thunder to stir us. There are times when God sends blessings to lure us. But then there are times when God sends nothing but silence as he honors us with the freedom to choose..." Max Lucado, Cast of Characters, p.110.

Choosing Christ is pretty black and white with no gray areas. Even on the cross Jesus hung between men who had to choose as they faced their impending death. The tenacity of one criminal mocking Jesus verses the honor and respect the other criminal displays for Jesus symbolizes the struggle of man. I suspect we have hung on both sides of Jesus but luckily the cross provides eterenal life when choosing Christ, apart from our actions. Once we have chosen Christ as our Savior we then journey on our spiritual walks with secondary choices a million times a day.

I love this paragraph from Max Lucado as he describes the different ways God speaks to us and allows us to choose what we will do with His leadings. We can choose daily how to respond to God as our spiritual rose unfolds according to His planting - not ours. The freedom to choose allows us to water and nourish the rose or starve the rose. Once saved, while our roses may wilt they will never be uprooted and thrown out of the garden.

Thank you Christ for dying so that we may live!

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