Saturday, April 25, 2009

Is Jesus in the House?

"'Now which of these three would you say was a neighbor to the man who as attacked by bandits?' Jesus asked. The man replied, 'The one who showed him mercy.' Then Jesus said, 'Yes, now go and do the same.'" Luke 10:36-37.

This was the response Jesus gave to an expert in the law who asked what he must do to receive eternal life. The Law stated the command to love God with everything in our power and to love our neighbor as ourselves. The gentleman asked for a more defined meaning of neighbor so Jesus told the parable of The Good Samaritan. At the end of the parable it was clear to the man that only one of the three people stopped to help the wounded man on the side of the road. Not only did he stop and help, but loaded him on his donkey and took him to an inn paying the price for him to stay there for a few days. As if that wasn't enough, the man had so much mercy and compassion that he told the innkeeper to allow him to stay longer if needed and he would pay the bill when he came back through. Now that is "hands-on-compassion". That is God living through His child.

How many times do we walk past the Samaritan and cross to the other side because of our fear, our time restraints or simply our judgement of that person. There are Samaritans everywhere we turn if we would just have "Jesus eyes" and a Jesus heart. Don't wait on someone else to "load the man on their donkey" for you may be the one God desires to use to show an image of His Son.

On the flipside when you are in pain and require mercy and compassion will "Jesus be in the house"?

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