Monday, November 23, 2009

Casting Idols

“All who make idols are nothing, and the things they treasure are worthless. Who shapes a god and casts an idol, which can profit him nothing?” Isaiah 44:9-10

Before I begin this subject allow me to acknowledge that many of you are in an extended period of suffering due to the loss or absence of a spouse. I know that my loneliness is very temporary compared to yours, but all discomfort is relative to what we know.

In the past 30 days, Bruce has not been home more than 5 days at the most due to numerous problems at one of his client’s work locations. I have found myself becoming increasingly discontent and longing for my best friend to return to our life as we knew it and I know that will happen in a few months. Between surrounding myself with family, getting in the Word and listening to inspirational Christian music throughout the day I can usually feel content. However, Saturday seemed different as I was very uneasy and unable to settle myself long enough to approach God.

When the Israelites were tired of waiting on Moses to come off the mountain from speaking with God, they threw into the fire their own personal belongings in an attempt for something new to emerge. “The Israelites had been given everything, yet they refused to be satisfied. They traded in what their hearts could know for what their eyes could see.” Beth Moore, Breaking Free. Yesterday, I decided to go shopping which in the past has been what I have “thrown into the fire creating my golden calf.” This morning I awoke with no profit – I am just as lonely and unsatisfied as I was yesterday. God used the golden calf image to tenderly and lovingly remind me that I have “shaped and cast” this image before and it never provides, comforts or satisfies.

At certain times in our lives, we all shape our own gods in an effort to fulfill a need. Some of us attempt to receive temporary satisfaction through picking up that drink or using that drug. For some it is finding relief in the arms of someone through an affair or gambling to scratch that itch. For me in the past it was spending which always brought me nothing more than additional feelings of alienation and guilt.

An idol is anything for which we seek to comfort us that substitutes God. Don’t shape that god or cast that idol – what will emerge will never be gain compared to what you threw into the fire.

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