Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Emerging Glory

“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18.

As Christians we say things that we have heard others say for which we really have limited understanding. We all hear and speak about glorifying God but what does this really mean? In my study, I have found that God’s glory is the vehicle for which we can recognize Him and for which we can reveal Him to others.

Without Christ taking up residence within us His character and presence can be neither experienced by us nor displayed through us. We walk our lives with veiled faces, faces that reflect the kind of person for which we want others to believe we are. Once we unveil who we really are and accept our destiny of who God created us to be will we reflect His glory – the glory that make Him recognizable to ourselves and other people. Glorifying God is not something we do but instead a way that we are to live.

Many Christians go to church believing their purpose for going is to glorify God in His house. God never intended worship and glory to be a specific act on a specific day. His intention was that worship and glory would be an ever-increasing and continual state of mind and heart.

We should be both grateful and humble that God does not set aside an hour or two on a specific day of the week to show us how much we are loved by Him. So…let us….with unveiled faces….

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