Monday, November 2, 2009

Taking It To the Streets

"Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves." Psalm 126:5-6

When a seed is sown it has no life at the beginning. It lays in the dark and cold ground waiting for light, nourishment and life to abound that only time can bring. When our circumstances place us underground in dark and disorienting surroundings we must orient ourselves in Christ, allowing Him to feed, water and nourish our growth. We must use the seasons of sadness and dependency on Him to harvest our faith and hope in our deliverence from the cold and the darkness.

The most powerful testimonies are those that are in the midst of our storm with no resolution or deliverence on the seen horizon. It is times when we are shrouded with fear, chaos and uncertainly that we must "take our weeping to the streets" and testify to the faith we have in a Savior who will rescue us from that season and bless us for our testimonies of faith.

The verse does not speak of staying in and pulling the covers over our head or rehearsing everything in our lives that is causing us grief. This verse speaks of carrying our faith as a banner and displaying our hope as a foundational truth.

Williams Carey possessed a special gift from God through his continual suffering. He was given the gift of understanding and interpreting Scripture in many languages against barbaric Hindu practices. He suffered greatly but always took his suffering to the streets. His banner waved high in the midst of his suffering. One of his most famous quotes was this powerful statement of faith. "Expect great things from God, attempt great things through Him".

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