Monday, January 4, 2010

He Fails Us Not

“For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you…You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you…Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.” 2 Chr. 20:12 & 17

I cannot come up with a greater battle we are called to fight than the war of grief. The fiery bows keep coming and it seems the ammunition never runs out. But this battle is much different than any other battle we face in life because there is no action we can take to reverse the outcome. Every attempt for comfort must be directed to God for present comfort and future healing.

This past week two of my friends lost their 15 year old daughter in a tragic automobile accident. As I approached them at the funeral home I felt the engulfing power of grief reminding me of my experience this past year. I was comforted for them as I realized that the LORD has delivered me tear by tear and hour by hour, and will be faithful in fighting their overwhelming battle of despair. It gave me power in words as I approached them . I kept hearing the words over and over again in my head ‘God fails us not’ and ‘His love will cover all pain’. As I embraced them and said these words I felt the love of God flow through one broken heart to another and knew that God indeed was with me as I went out to minister to others and face their fresh pain. God certainly uses the pain of one to minister to another.

We are called upon to encourage, lift up and use our experiences as vessels for God to flow into others when they are experiencing their battles. Through standing firm in our faith and believing that God will be with us in all things we are able to allow God to run into battle for us and ward off attack upon attack.

God is the Ancient of Days and has been the Comforter of hearts since the beginning of time. He comforts divinely and delivers supernaturally if we will lay down our arsenal and pick up our faith.

Our present pain is God's future ministry in our lives if we will allow Him to use it for His glory and purpose.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What beautiful words and such a comforting message. My Mama attended Elsye's visitation armed with my condolences and hugs for Susan and Chuck. I will travel home in the next month or so and visit with Susan and Mr. and Mrs. Rutledge. My entire childhood is filled with memories of my dear friend Susan.
I have added your blog to as my home page.
I am sorry for the loss of Beth last year.
Much love to you and your family,
Sheri Davis Kennington