Sunday, January 17, 2010

Shop 'Til You Drop

“But if you do not worship it, you will be thrown immediately into a blazing furnace. Then what god will be able to rescue you from my hand?” Daniel 3:15b.

This is the statement Nebuchadnezzar yelled to Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego as he was furious with rage towards them when they refused to bow. Their king represented evil and temptation to renounce their God for earthly life. He presented a situation of fear and intimidation showing them their immediately future.

Satan is the king of evil on earth and reigns relentlessly. Like this evil king, he lays out before us scenarios which can terrify us of the future. In my book, Dear Adversity I refer to this as trying on our fear to see how well it fits. I write:

“Oh how Satan loves to take us shopping! He loves to bombard our minds with the possibility of the worst case scenario. He tempts us to shop from his rack of garments trying on our pain to see how it will fit before we even need to wear the garments. These garments consist of pain, grief and despair before it becomes a reality.”

I did this when Kristen was deep in her addiction. Each time the phone would ring my heart would temporarily stop as I braced myself for the voice on the other line with my devastating reality. Living in the fear of her “possible” death I missed out on God’s comfort and promise. I suffered an unnecessary sense of loss over and over again with my daughter. I mourned and grieved for her absence and her life because I had shopped from the devil’s rack. I praise God that He replaced the phone call of devastation with that phone call on Mother’s Day when she gave me the gift of sobriety.

Don’t go shopping on his rack because his clothes of fear and despair will always wear out and never hold up~

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