Tuesday, January 12, 2010

In All Seasons

“He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.” Daniel 2:21

I am so tired of the cold and we are only in January! I thrive surrounded with the chirping birds of spring and the croaking frogs of summer. The soft breezes that accompany mild temperatures beckon an invitation to fully engage in that season.

That is the same way I am with my spiritual seasons. I know that although God set up every season in my life I, like everyone else, enjoy the milder temperatures of my circumstances. When my problems are mild such as too much on the calendar and too many demands for which I am trying to meet I can still hear those birds chirping. But, when we experience seasons of devastation such as abandonment, sickness, divorce or even death there seems to be a void of soft breezes and an absence of outdoor laughter. We stay inside to avoid the harsh winter season and limit our outdoor involvement.

God’s grace no matter what season for which we are experiencing is available to all of us, no one excluded! The providence of God moves us forward in circumstances and is always purposeful in experience. “Providence is not a principle of orderliness or reason; rather, providence is the will of the Creator who is actively involved in moving His creation to a goal…history is being moved toward the predetermined end.” Harpers Bible Dictionary.

What I know and trust for sure is that God will not allow me to remain in my winter seasons forever. He does not leave me alone to my own circumstances and confusion as to which direction I should walk. In every season He will answer me, guide me and encourage me. We will not experience our seasons alone but rather through God’s interpretation and revelations He will provide wisdom and knowledge for future journeys.

Don’t be afraid of the winter but trust that God’s grace will thaw any circumstance. We can still experience spring in our winters by understanding that our purpose on the continuum of the Creator’s goal for the world is critical in its fulfillment.

Every winter we experience will be followed up with an amazing spring!

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