Saturday, January 9, 2010

I Do!

“Will you love him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon him your heart’s deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?”

These are the words spoken between two people on their sacred wedding day. In the Bible we are told that Christ is our groom and we are His bride. The day we accept Jesus Christ as our Love is the most exciting journey for which we will ever walk. But do we stay true to our vows to Him?

Instead of honoring Him with our belief in His faithfulness do we blame Him for our pain? Instead of thanking Him even in financial adversity do we tell Him why we need more? In sad circumstances do we still love, cherish and bestow upon Him our heart’s deepest devotion or do we become distant from Him through our passive aggressive behavior?

In our hearts are we looking for a replacement groom in our pain who will temporarily help us forget our suffering? Are we having an affair of the heart as we live out our grief reaching for anything for comfort other than our Groom?

How serious do we take our vows to God? Do we forsake things and sacrifice our own agenda and sense of self out of our desire to “keep ourselves unto Him”? These should not be mere words we recite in an orchestrated ceremony but heart felt passion and actions to show each sentence of this vow lived out in our lives.

We expect God to keep His promises to us so why shouldn’t our vows be etched on the walls of our hearts to Him. Each day I should both inspect and ask myself, ‘Am I loving Him? Am I honoring Him? Am I cherishing Him with the deepest part of my heart? Am I forsaking all others? Most importantly, am I keeping myself only unto Him?

We cannot be perfect in our marriage to Him but we can be intentional and passionate in our hearts towards Him affording Him all access to our hearts. So, I say again today, ‘I Do!”

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