Wednesday, January 20, 2010


“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

When I think about how we as Christians can come across I am reminded of the television shows about a bouncer standing at a rope which serves as a reminder that only VIP may enter that venue. We are left watching the faces of those in line anticipating, watching carefully for a move as they think of ways to cross beyond the rope. They scan the crowd to see if there is anyone for whom they can ‘hitch their wagons’ that will guarantee entry.

Many times we are like that bouncer who stands at the base of cross judging who should come, who is worthy enough and who has excluded themselves. We deem ourselves as the ticket master who will determine entry into the venue of Christ forgetting that He is the only one who hung on that cross. We have no right to exclude anyone – the cross covers everyone!
God sent His Son as a sacrifice for the man who lays homeless in the streets. God sent the sacrificial Lamb as offering for eternal life to the woman who for whatever reason has left her children for a different life. God did not waste the life of His only Son only for us to play a bad version of God picking and choosing who we will bring to the base of the cross.

The very rope we drape between ourselves and others will be the very rope that hangs us if we are not careful.

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