Thursday, February 4, 2010

Holy Habits

“Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.” Daniel 6: 10

The scene is a political set up with Daniel being manipulated by the king’s highest officials due to jealousy. The decree, which was originated by these men under the king, stated that no one could worship any other god for 30 days except for worshipping King Darius. They knew that Daniel would remain faithful to his God and through his prayers would become a criminal. He would be thrown into the lion’s den based on his crime. Upon reading the decree, Daniel did not only continue to pray but immediately went upstairs to an open window to boldly pray to his God. His reaction to the dire situation did not change the holy habits for which he had lived his life.

So, we get that phone call that stops our lives in an instant. We read the decree of our life that becomes our new law of despair. How will we respond? Will we respond in the flesh with hysteria, anger, and faithlessness or will we default to reacting in the spirit with prayer, thanksgiving, peace and faithfulness? Will we hit a brick wall or hit the floor on our knees? Will our peers see us in our windows facing our Jerusalem of Heaven and praying to our God who will deliver, save and rescue? Will our voices be heard like Daniel’s praising God for past victories and thanking Him for present blessings?

Notice that Daniel falling to his knees three times that day was nothing new to him. This was his holy habit in calm and chaos, and in the valley or on the mountaintop…’just as he had done before.’ Those words bring humility into my heart. I have to ask myself, ‘What is my holy habit? Do I clothe myself in this wear each morning and do I default to it when that reality of suffering appears? Do I defend my faith with the thanksgiving of my heart apart from my circumstances?

We will all get that phone call or receive that note so let us develop our holy habits in the calm to ensure our reactions will default to the Spirit instead of the flesh.

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