Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Staying In The City

“I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” Luke 24:49

Last week I wrote of a decision my husband and I have been led into by God which will require many things from us. My father-in-law suffers with Alzheimer’s and we believe that at this point in his disease he can be better served at our home than in a facility. Although he is still aware of his environment and continues to recognize most of us the majority of the time, the challenges will be paramount and the responsibility all consuming.

When I read this verse this morning I felt that Christ was telling me that everything we need will be sent from His Father as He orchestrates things. It is my nature to hit the floor running when presented with a set of challenges such as this but I need to be deliberate in my efforts and prayerful in my actions. Only the Father knows what is best for my father-in-law and I know that if I remain settled in my mind and heart the Father will move in ways that the Holy Spirit will reveal to me.

I cannot think ahead of the challenges but rather take one day at a time and put on fresh spiritual clothes each morning made up of the power, endurance and love of Christ Jesus.

When facing our challenges it is imperative that we recognize that all power and all glory come from God through His Son. In due time, we will be clothed with the power required to accomplish the purposes for which we have been chosen. Praise God for His all consuming power that He so readily shares with His children.

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