Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Strand of Pearls

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” Matthew 13:45

Imagine if you got to the end of your life and were told that you had a bank account with millions of dollars untouched over the course of your life. In reflecting over your life you could only imagine the lifestyle you would have lived had you known about this treasure. Such is the same with the kingdom of Heaven on earth. When we are born God placed within our reach an account full of His deposits that are ours if we only would pursue Him and ask for these treasures. They are ours to withdraw if we seek His best and buy into the magnificent value of these ‘spiritual pearls.’

Matthew tells us that only by looking for the fine pearls will we be able to find them. We must believe in the value of the kingdom of Heaven on earth or we will get to the end of our lives and discover that we possessed every provision needed in all circumstances. We will discover what pearls we have left untouched and unclaimed along the way which God meant for us to possess.

Much like the merchant, to own these fine pearls we must turn from our old lifestyle, surrender everything to Him and claim the revealed treasures which use to be hidden. Once we have sold our old way of thinking and bought into the value of living in a Christ-centered kingdom on earth we will wear the beautiful strand of spiritual pearls for which we were intended.

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