Thursday, September 27, 2018

In the Deep and Dark Waters

For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” 1 Sam 16:7

Yesterday as I was walking across the Folly River Bridge I was reminded of a re-nourishment project. This project was approved as a response to major beach erosion after Hurricane Matthew and Tropical Storm Irma flattened the dunes and changed the landscape of the beautiful shore. These unattractive vessels are doing incredible work by carrying sand from the bottom of the river through underwater pipes and pumping it out onto the eroded beach. It is quality sand, but the vessels must go deep to bring it to the surface reshaping, restoring and re-nourishing the shoreline. All the important and necessary work is being done in the dark and deep waters.

Our hearts are no different as God uses different vessels to dig deep in our attitudes and experiences. He knows what has laid in the dark parts of our hearts undisturbed and unseen for decades. He sees our eroded lives and begins the re-nourishment project by stirring up our lives through challenges. He takes our beautiful qualities that have been forgotten and carries them through our adversity bringing them back to the surface. He uses the 'Holy Spirit pipeline' to pump beauty back to our shorelines. When our souls emerge from the dark deep night our future horizons will burst forth like a beautiful sunrise.

Everything will make more sense once we are re-nourished, restored and reshaped. We must trust the process as we are being carried through the pipeline. At the end of the the re-nourishment project you will see more than the darkness that has accompanied will see the glory of the Lord and your shoreline will offer new beauties to behold.

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