Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Waiting for Day Seven

“‘Take up the ark of the covenant…Proceed, and march around the city…’ So he had the ark of the LORD circle the city…” Joshua 6:6-7, 11.

The story of the fall of Jericho is one of the strangest stories in the Bible.  What makes it so strange is it marks one of the greatest victories with some of the fewest actions.  The Lord impressed the importance to Joshua of simply walking in circles to bring about the triumph.  The ark of the covenant was the place where God’s spirit dwelled and would lead the people in their march.  Their part was to watch…God’s part was to act.  Their part was to follow…God’s part was to lead.  Their part was to walk in circles… God’s part was to walk in certainty.  And in God’s perfect plan and precision the seventh circle on the seventh day ‘it happened…the wall fell down flat.’ Joshua 6:20.

I don’t know about you but there are some things in my life that I have been marching around for too many years to count.  That mundane march around a set of circumstances that offer no view into the victory.  Maybe you are also circling around that same desire that seems to never materialize.   The futile things we try…the empty marches…only to find out it’s still not the seventh day…the wall still stands…still no victory.  The important element of this march is to remind our hearts that the Ark is up ahead.  He is in the front of our march and His view sees our beautiful future.  There are no obstructions to God’s view of what is up ahead, so why would we give up on the march? 

Always remember that God is at work on the other side of our obstacles, arranging the details and bringing His plans to fruition…The stage was set for conquest, yet by that point, Joshua had done nothing.  Sometimes we think we need to be involved in the solution, but God is not limited with regard to whom or what He can use to accomplish His will.’ Charles Stanley, Seeing Obstacles through God’s Eyes.

So, as you face another day…marching around the same walls…wondering if this will be the time it falls… take heart that God spoke another seventh day into existence and it was very good.  The same breath that formed the world is the same breath that will tear down the walls preventing the victories of our lives.  So, keep marching...keep believing...keep the faith.

Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good…And on the seventh day God ended His work…and rested.’ Ge 2:31-3:2.

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