Friday, August 31, 2018

Left Behind

Jesus, remember me…” Luke 23:42

When I was a little girl we always took two cars to church because Daddy had to be there early since he taught Sunday School. I remember one Sunday being left behind when one parent assumed I was with the other parent. Of course, cell phones didn’t exist, so it wasn’t until they arrived at home that the discovery was made. Meanwhile, the one time it happened to me I remember sitting on the front steps of the church waiting for one of them to return. I knew they would remember to come and get me when they arrived home and the discovery was made. I wasn’t scared because I trusted them, and I knew it was just a matter of time. But time seemed to drag by and watching the road seemed like watching a pot producing steam instead of a boil. I felt impatient, irritated and frustrated. I didn’t want to admit it, but somewhere deep down was that haunting echo, ‘Have I been forgotten?’

I’ve got to say that some days I feel like that little girl sitting on the front steps of church watching everyone else’s life go by and wondering when God will reveal His plan. Sitting there wondering at what point in time will God answer my prayer…remembering my deep desire. When will God walk up that front sidewalk in our circumstances and provide what was lost…remembering the need of purpose in work. Most importantly, remembering His promise to me.  I wonder if you ever feel the same way, wondering if God has forgotten you? Are there days you look at the horizon in your life just watching for signs that God is remembering your pain…remembering your loneliness…remembering your need? For me, when I get in the mindset of that little girl on the church steps I begin feeling unfocused in prayer…scattered in my emotions…discontent in my Bible Studies. But then, God reminds me that I have not been forgotten. That He is on the way back to the church to pick me up. That it is just a matter of time before I see the grand plan from the divine Planner. From Genesis to Revelation God has been remembering people and working for their good. From Abraham waiting forever on the promised son to the criminal on the cross, God’s children have been praying for God’s memory to include them.

What is it that you are hoping for God to remember regarding your life? How do we not become weary in the wait? I truly believe it is by getting out of our normal ‘God routine’ to move things out of the mundane to the memory. If I want God to remember me and my circumstances I will focus my heart on my memory. My memory of how God saved my daughter…my memory of how God ignited my heart in 2006…my memory of how He preserved my marriage…my memory of how He sent work after another dry season. Waiting on God can be difficult but finding a time He didn’t remember me is impossible.

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23

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