Monday, August 20, 2018

The Boss of Me

"Cease striving and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

When our youngest daughter, Caroline and my niece, Alison were 4 and 5 years old every playtime would deteriorate into the same battle cry, ‘You are NOT the boss of me!’ My sister and I came to loathe those words whenever we were together. Caroline and Alison loved each other deeply (and still do) but at their ages, they became obsessed with control and authority. Thankfully, they grew out of that stage within a year of growing into those attitudes. Their love for each other today is still great and their hearts still bent towards each other although life has multiplied their responsibilities.

I was considering how we are like children hating the idea of losing control during a season and having to relinquish our authority in certain sets of circumstances. We really were never in control since there is only One who truly has control. Just as parents He watches us jockey for position as we try to be our own savior or savior for another. We kill ourselves trying to convince those around us that we are strong enough…smart enough…courageous enough to handle whatever bounces against us. It is the ultimate smoke and mirrors that only stinks up the room and reflects pride. We were never created to ‘be the boss’ in our lives but to be held by One.  Author Jennifer Rothschild states, ‘Even though I try to have it all together, to always be strong and brave, at times, in the deepest part of me I’m fearful, vulnerable, and weak. I long for someone to be stronger and smarter than me. Deep down, I just want to relax into whatever I face knowing I don’t face it alone and I don’t have to be in charge…I thought I needed to be in control, when I actually needed to be cared for. I thought I needed to be brave, when I really needed most to be held.’ Psalm 23 – The Shepherd with Me, p. 27.

When we come to God with childlike hearts...fully trusting…fully surrendering…fully clinging we live and move in the confidence that everything we need is found in Him. And we develop hearts that say to Him, ‘Thank you Lord, for being the boss of me!

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