Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Balancing our Egg

But we have this treasure in earthen [fragile] vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God, and not of us.” 2 Co 4:7

When I was a little girl there was a game often played at birthday parties I attended. It was the Egg and Spoon Race where two teams were formed. Each participant had to balance an egg on the spoon and walk as quickly as they could towards the finish line without dropping the egg. When it was my turn I can remember starting off fast only to discover my egg was wobbling. I immediately slowed down because the last thing I wanted was to drop the egg causing it to break. The goal of the game was to make it to the finish line with your egg intact. I recall an adult telling me one time to keep my eyes on the finish line, not the egg. There were more than a few times when my egg was cracked from a drop because I shifted my gaze to the egg instead of the goal.

Isn’t that how life is? We all carry around our fragile hearts as we journey through life with a team of friends and family. Sometimes life is smooth, and the walk is easy, while other times it seems we just can’t get our hearts balanced. Circumstances enter our lives and our walk is unstable at best. We look at our circumstances a little too long, taking our eyes off of Jesus. Our hearts get dropped and break wide open forcing us to drop out of the game for a while. But God picks up the broken pieces and through His excellent and healing power puts our hearts together again. He balances the heartbreak with the hope…the weak with the strong…the broken with the restored. He lovingly removes our spoon from our hand when He knows the journey is too hard, and He carries our burdens through our unstable season. When the season is over, and the finish line has been crossed we will fully understand it was God holding our hearts all along. He was the one balancing our lives at the appropriate pace during every season.

Whatever you are balancing on your spoon, make sure that God is the one carrying the spoon. Keep your eyes on the Goal...He is our hope…He is our balance…He is our victory.

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