Monday, September 10, 2018

Standing Ovations

"But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed steadily into heaven and saw the glory of God, and he saw Jesus standing in the place of honor at God's right hand.” Acts 7:55

Tucked in the Book of Acts is this little gem that shouldn’t be looked over when reading through Acts. One of the earliest and greatest Christian martyrs once the church was established was Stephen. His enemies didn’t want to declare the truth of Christ Jesus’ resurrection and reign. But it did become truth…and Stephen was unapologetic about sharing the good news. Stephen was stoned to death but before he closed his eyes to this world something amazing happened that was recorded in the Bible. The Holy Spirit opened Stephens eyes, the sky unfolded like a beautiful scroll and an opening appeared. Stephen gazed right into heaven and what He saw is what I am sure my loved ones and your loved ones saw. As the heavenly curtain was pulled back there was King Jesus standing up in the honorable place beside God. I can just imagine Daddy as he shielded his eyes because the glory was so bright, adjusting his eyes to the golden hue. In the Bible there is another vision given to Isaiah. ‘I saw the Lord, high and exalted...and the train of his robe filled the temple.’ Isaiah 6:1.

While walking the other day, I was thinking about Stephen, Isaiah, Daddy and others who now walk with Jesus. I was picturing how Jesus was standing when Stephen saw Him. I wonder if Jesus was standing because He was giving Stephen a standing ovation. I imagine King Jesus stood up from His throne, turned to walk towards him while the train of His golden robe tumbled down into the skies falling upon the earth. We must remember that Stephen was still fully alive when God allowed Him to see the glory. Isaiah was still walking upon this earth when the vision became His to claim. Caught up in my imagination I glanced over my shoulder and saw my own vision of heaven…the sky was filled with gold that covered the horizon. Had Jesus just stood up from His throne to welcome another member in that heavenly family?

As children of God, we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us to give us vision where we can experience God’s glory on earth. When we keep our eyes on Jesus, all the tough circumstances in which we find ourselves will pale in comparison to the knowledge that the Deity walks before us, behind and beside us. I will never forget that beautiful golden sky when the train of the King’s robe fell to the earth reminding me that His glory is always surrounding us.

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