Friday, September 21, 2018

Trusting the Play

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6.

Yesterday I was watching the news and heard an interview that blew my mind. “Adonis Watt, a freshman running back for the Brophy Broncos in Phoenix, is 6 feet, 2 inches tall, 140 pounds — and blind. He has a rare form of glaucoma which took his sight when he was 5. But it couldn't temper his passion for the game. This past week he scored two touchdowns in the football game.” CBS News, by Tony Dokoupil. When it was Adonis’ time to explain the touchdown, his explanation was simple in words, powerful in action. He stated that his strategy is simple: ‘Trust the coach, trust the linemen and trust the play.’

As this amazing story sank into my heart I couldn’t help but to compare it to our faith. As we walk out the game of life we too better be well conditioned and well-practiced for what we are called to accomplish. When we spend time with God we give Him the appropriate attention to show us how to prepare for the upcoming season. He coaches us in knowledge and guidance, and we must trust Him to lead us into victory. He places those linemen around us, those people of faith who we can trust to have our backs as we run towards the goal. But most importantly is the courage He gives us to blindly run towards the endzone by trusting the play. Life has a big playbook, with twists and turns, blocks and fumbles. There will be seasons when we will be tackled and injured causing pain. There will be seasons when we sit on the bench watching and waiting for the signal to move. But when we trust in the coach, the linemen and the play we will have that beautiful moment when God gives us a nod and a wave for us to join Him in the play that was meant just for us. We are also short on sight when it comes to our future, but God has equipped us to have everything we need.

We can face anything that is on the field of life, when God has called us to join Him. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the blind boy who said NO to his circumstances and YES to trust. He didn't live out his life as a victim of his circumstances, but as a victor of his beliefs. May we have that same courage to run for God without sight and score that touchdown!

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