Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Being Held

“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deut. 31:8

As I awake this morning I have a fresh sense of just how much control we actually have over our lives – very little. I have a renewed sense of the power of God and how He is over all and all is under His authority. I don’t want to get on with life right yet for it is an offering of my time and reverence to the Father who kept my son safe Sunday night and prevented us from facing a tragedy.

On my way home from a family reunion on Sunday, I spoke with my son who was traveling back up to App. State after a five day Fall break. He was in a great mood and was anxious to get back up to his apartment after a relaxing break at home. He stated that he was about an hour from Boone and should be there around 5:30. He had spoken to his roommate around 4:20 and also stated to him he would be home around 5:30. He spoke to Caroline around 4:30 at which point the phone had so much static the call was dropped. That would be the last time anyone spoke with Michael for the next two hours. All of us continuously phoned him and tried texting him to no avail. After about an hour of waiting, I went into Bruce and told him I thought we needed to begin praying. I tried not letting my mind “go there” but my mind “went there.” Cara was texting me and I could feel her fear gauge rising as I tried to reassure her of his safety. His roommate also was beginning to feel fear. I asked Eric if he would go down the mountain and search for him which he did.

After calls to the Boone police and the highway patrol around 7:30 I finally received the call and heard my precious son’s voice on the other end. He had been stranded without phone service on the side of the road and his roommate Eric had found him. Praise God for his safety.

The experience reminded me of earlier days when Kristen would go for days and weeks without contact as I waited for that dreaded phone call. The despair and dread I would feel was a result of a status quo and stifled relationship with God at best. This time was much different as I am in constant contact with my Father. As His spirit touched mine, I was aware of His constant presence for both me and Michael. He didn’t promise me a certain resolution, just promised His presence. I realize not only the blessing I received from that phone call last night but the fresh awareness of His presence in a fearful situation. I am keenly aware of the number of people who didn't receive the same kind of phone call and my heart breaks for them. But, I know that no matter what phone call comes in He will be right there beside us holding us, carrying us and comforting us. I once heard a song that I was reminded of through this time. It states that we are all just one phone call from our knees.

As I always claim, it is the times when we are the most powerless that He is the most powerful whatever the outcome may be. When fear is replaced with faith it allows us to hold our face to the storm confidently and boldly and claim that through our faith in God we will be held in all situations.

I will both praise and worship Him through the day as my thanks offering.

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