Friday, October 16, 2009

By the Light of the Moon

“O LORD my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendor and majesty. He wraps himself in light as with a garment;” Psalm 104:1-2

The Harvest Moon was named because it rises within a half-hour of when the sun sets. In early days, when farmers had no tractors, it was essential that they work by the light of the moon to bring in the harvest. This moon is the fullest moon of the year. When you gaze at it, it looks very large and gives a lot of light throughout the entire night. No other lunar spectacle is as awesome as the Harvest Moon.

On October 5th I experienced this Harvest Moon which I viewed from Folly Beach over the ocean. I could not believe how much light was cast in the sea of darkness as it reigned from above commanding my wonderment and attention. I believe that it would have been enough light to guide any ship into shore.

God created everything and everything is created in God. The Harvest Moon made me think of the manner in which God shines – providing light for one season in our life only to be continued into the next season with a different light. He knows exactly which light needs to be shone and the length of time that light is required.

We will not experience any season without His light to guide, lead and encourage us as we navigate through life’s seas. Whether through the calm of the day or the anguish of the night, we can present our shoulders to God for which His garments of light may be placed.

Through the darkness of adversity we will be able to work by the light of the Moon and bring in the harvest of peace, tranquility and comfort as we wear our garments of Light.

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