Thursday, October 8, 2009

Long Lives the King!

“The LORD has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all.” Psalm 103:19.

My sister Becki and I have daughters who are 11 months apart. When they were four and five years old we constantly heard their battle cry of “You’re not the boss over me, I’m the boss!” This occurred off and on for the most part of that year. We were ever so glad when that stage passed and we no longer had to hear their “chin music” as my dad calls it.

Funny thing about authority, everyone wants it and nobody really has it. There is but one authority that rules and He is King Eternal. The Bible states that His throne is established in Heaven and Earth is His footstool. I love this image as it visualizes Him as vast and overseeing. He has a panoramic view of our lives and not just snapshots as we have. He rules with love instead of fear and exerts His authority in all areas of our lives for our good.

Many authoritative figures in our lives do not really have our best interest at heart but have been placed over us through the appointment of someone else. Their authority may come accompanied with their past hurts, present bitterness or future biases. Their authority rules with their own agendas, one that may actually be harmful to others.

King Eternal rules in every aspect of our lives with a scepter of love, commitment and fairness to all. We must give Him the authority deserved by honoring His commands for our lives and submitting to His authority with His perfect wisdom and loving character.

Just because we don't give Him authority over some aspect of our lives doesn't mean He doesn't have it. He will rule in all areas of our lives with or without our cooperation – we might as well roll out the red carpet for our King.

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