Saturday, October 24, 2009

This Little Light Of Mine...

“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God…” 2 Tim.1:6

God places within each of us His pilot light, a promise that He will always be there but how much “there” do we allow? What are we doing to ensure that light will increase in brightness, in power and in glory? Our fan is determined by the level of passion and pursuit by which we live our lives.

If we were stranded and lost in the bitter cold we would see a flicker as a means of survival. We would make attempts to ignite that flicker ino flame with everything in our being. We would not sit by in a relaxed state expecting the flicker to ignite, yet that is exactly what we do with our faith and our relationship with God. We sit around the cold camp, wrapping ourselves in nothing but complacency and habit. We must wander out of the camp and find a means to our warmth, a means to our comfort and a means to our survival. We must be in active pursuit of God and fan into flame the enduring light that lies within.

Through our passionate pursuit of Him our flame catches fire and spreads throughout the landscape, providing light and warmth for others as they seek their way. Not only do we have a responsibility to God to grow in our faith but we also have a responsibility to those around us.

So we should ask ourselves, “How bright does my flame burn? Will it light the way for others or does it simply add to the disorientation of the darkness?"

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