Saturday, July 28, 2018

Dancing Shadows

So, I have been allotted months…And wearisome nights have been appointed to me. When I lie down, I say, ‘When shall I arise, and the night be ended? How long?’” Job 7:3-4, 19

Most people are pretty good at managing a crisis in the beginning. We set our minds on survival and devise a plan to move forward when something forces itself into our lives. But what happens when days drift into months, and months melt into years? What do we do with the realization that relief still hasn’t come after so many years? How do we hold on to our faith when we all we want to do is hold on to our pillows and disengage with life? Most importantly, how do we continue to believe in His promises when so many go unfulfilled? ‘When shall I arise, and the night be ended?’

For whatever reason, my seasons of suffering tend to be ‘many allotted months’ that mark off many years. Even now I arise each morning with a clear realization that yesterday was not the day when the night ended. Even now I know that the night still boasts that work is not on our horizon. Even now the night with its dancing shadows reminds me that morning has not yet come. I wonder this morning what your allotted months look like that keep you up at night. Is it the phone that doesn’t ring from the loved one you desperately desire to hear from? Is it the email that never comes bringing good news of resolution? Is it the loneliness of wanting a partner with whom to share your life, or the realization that your partner is distant? Could your night be seeing life drain out of a loved one who is soon destined for Heaven?

Or could it be that we lift our eyes to Jesus, and turn our hearts towards remembrance? “But then I recall all you have done, O LORD; I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago.” Psalm 77:11. ‘I remember the day Bruce said, ‘I do’ and the sweet life I’ve had with him. I remember seeing the little eyes of my new born babies meet mine for the first time. I remember the day you saved our daughter’s life from imminent death. I'll never forget the tender mercies you gave our hearts when our marriage was facing tough times. I recall Lord how you brought us work after another season of unemployment. I recall the sustaining grace you provided as we accepted life without our loved ones.’

Soothing balm for the soul while we wait...Comforting shadows of remembrance when God was faithful and kept every promise. These are the shadows that I want to dance with during the dark of the night. The shadows that tenderly remind me that night can’t last forever, and the daylight will come. The shadow that takes my hand and reminds me that God has done it once, and He will do it again!

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17

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