Monday, July 2, 2018

Where the Sidewalk Splits

"The LORD will always guide you; He will satisfy you in a sun-scorched land and strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” Isaiah 58:11

It is tough staying disciplined in my walking routine once the summer comes. Between the heat and humidity, I can’t walk as quickly, I can’t breathe as well, and I can’t walk the distance I normally can. My focus seems to be on getting to this area where the sidewalk splits and I can take the shaded one. The shade gives me relief from the brutal sun, and the trees stand shoulder to shoulder as if trying to protect me. The gently move in unison to ensure they produce a sweet refreshing breeze. There are benches on the sidewalk where I can rest and renew. I usually spend about 15 minutes sitting, reflecting and listening to my music. Once I’ve cooled off and enjoyed the refreshment of the shade my shoes once again hit the pavement for the rest of my walk. I never choose the sidewalk in the sun for I’ve grown accustomed to choosing the path that leads to pause…leads to shade…leads to refreshment.

The same is true for walking our journeys until we reach heaven. This life can certainly become a sun-scorched journey where the brutal elements beat down. The seasons can be long where the sun scorches us instead of warming us. There is only one place to truly find shade allowing renewal and refreshment. We must all take the shaded sidewalk and allow God to surround and protect us like those huge trees. We must pause in the middle of our tough seasons to allow Him to sustain us for the rest of the journey. He will send the breezes of the Holy Spirit to blow refreshment into our spirit. As we pause we will see others who also took the shaded path to encouragement the next part of our journey.

Whether you are walking out a calm season or a tough season there is always a split in the sidewalk where breezes flow and the shade of our Father provides and prepares us for the rest of the journey.

The LORD is your keeper; the LORD is the shade…” “Never again will they hunger, and never will they thirst; nor will the sun beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.” Psalm 121:5, Rev 7:16


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