Thursday, July 19, 2018

Our Darkest Day

There was a moment when the lights went out…when death had claimed its victory…the King of love had given up His life…the darkest day in history…One final breath and it was finished…but not the end we could’ve known. For the earth began to shake…as the heavens roared. There was a moment when the sky lit up…a flash of Light breaking through…when all was lost He crossed eternity…the King of Life was on the move.” All Hail King Jesus, Jeremy Riddle

They were in disbelief. In their dark homes they knew something had just occurred because the sky was pitch black in the middle of the day. How on earth could this have happened? Why didn’t they see it coming? How could they have abandoned Him? They thought they had more time with Him. They thought they would reign with Him. They thought there would be more memories made with Him. Never in their darkest dreams could they ever have known it would end like this. But, in retrospect they realized that Jesus did tell them. ‘In a little while, the world will see Me no more’ John 14:19. As a matter of fact as the sky began to give way to light everything became clear. Christ had done the very thing that He told them He would do. Like the song says above, the moment the sky lit up, the King was on the move. They remembered that He promised to come back for them after He arranged things for them. ‘And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am.’ John 14:3. They tried to recall every word He had told them about this event. And then there He was…standing among them…fulfilling every single prophesy ever made about the Savior. He had fully kept His promise even though they had not. That is the King of Love.

Although this was a couple thousand years ago I can’t help but wonder if you are going through your ‘darkest day in history.’ I am thinking how this life provides the backdrop of pitch black noon days and the foundation of our lives shaking. No one escapes the long reaching fingers of pain on this earth, but we do have the same good news that the heartbroken disciples had in that dark room. We have the knowledge that sin and illness have been defeated and that eternity won. We have His promises that whatever we face the King of love will be enough. We may not feel Jesus or see Him in our valley, but He is on the move. We might not see any resolution to our suffering, but He is arranging things for each of us that are good and beautiful. He is orchestrating the details of our lives to reconcile our pain. He is commanding angels to watch over us as and protect us. He has sent the Counselor to dwell within us to comfort and encourage us. His promises are just as true as they were to His followers. He promises that whatever we are facing we can be over-comers in Him. He tells us that not even one day will He leave our side. He assures us that we can bring our weary and demolished souls to Him for nourishment and rest. I’m so grateful that when I see nothing happening in my desires I can be confident He is on the move. I’m so thankful that thousands of years ago the Light broke through the darkness once and for all. I can breathe a little easier for my friends going through extremely tough times knowing that the skies are filled with the presence of the King and His angels who are watching over us at all times.

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