Thursday, March 7, 2019

Considering the Lilies

Why are you anxious…? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin…But seek first the kingdom of God…and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:28-33

I love Spring and cannot wait to see the beautiful flowers awaken to their brilliant colors. They lazily open their eyes and wait on the Lord to peel back their warm covering. The flowers trust that their Creator knows the exact timing when the winter is over, and it is safe for them to fully embrace the new season. He sends the rain at the exact time and in the exact measure. He sends the warmth to remind them that it is He who makes things grow. The flowers in all their glory grow and produce beauty in their blooms at the hands of God. They do not have to grow on their own or water themselves for that is the work of the Lord…no toiling…no striving to do it on their own. They fully understand that their purpose is to provide the beauty that the Lord determines.

Every single one of us is also a creation of God meant to reflect His glory, and has been assigned a purpose for being here. Our purpose is not to figure out on our own how to grow and how to bloom. Our purpose is to place ourselves in the hands of God and allow Him to consider the details of our lives. He never meant for us to feel anxious about things that we cannot control. He never meant for us to worry ourselves into into a tailspin. I don’t know about you, but I am fully aware that I’m guilty of not ‘considering the lilies.’ I’m guilty of trying to make things happen before the season is over. Many days I gnaw on problems instead of allowing God in His wisdom and timing to reveal the answer. I’m tired of not considering the lilies and missing out on the promises and power of God.

I think today I’m going to make an intentional effort to allow God to color my blooms and not worry about the details of it. I am going to consider the lilies with every anxious thought that may seep into my mind. We must be determined to allow certain petals to fall…petals of fear…petals of anger…petals of control so God can work His wonder and add His wisdom, power and will to work out every detail of our lives. ‘God is stronger than any battle you will ever face. He is the source of all the strength you will ever need.’ Stronger, Angela Thomas-Pharr, p. 17.

Consider the lilies…

“For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.” Matthew 6:32

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