Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Secret Places

“‘Can anyone hide himself in secret places, So I shall not see him?’” says the LORD…’” Jeremiah 23:24.

When I was a little girl our family lived in a big house on a 5-acre tract of land. Sometimes when I would get mad or upset about something I would go outside and sit behind a tree where no one could see me. Other times I would just disappear upstairs to my room and dare anyone to enter. I even remember that sometimes I would go sit in our parked car in the driveway. Our home was full of windows and I am sure that Mother could see me wherever I went. I felt as if because I was out of sight I couldn’t be seen, but at any point Mother was no further than 50 feet away most likely. She knew I would return and would be right by her side again. Looking back there was probably nowhere that I ever went to be alone that she didn’t know I had gone.

Our Father is no different when dealing with us and our tendency to hide ourselves in secret places. Last night when I laid down to sleep, He was there, and this morning when I awoke, He was there. In a little while I will get in my car to run errands and He will be there with me and will be by my side in each errand I must complete. If I am sad or nervous today, He is in my emotions and if I am celebrating anything, He is joyfully by my side. He sees me when I sin or walk in my flaws, and He sees me when I choose the right way and follow Him. His love is not determined by anything I do or fail to do year.

One of God’s most comforting attributes is His omnipresence …His ability to always be there with us in everything, in all circumstances, and at all times. His is present with us even when we are absent from Him. He is constant even when we are fickle. He is always giving even as we are always taking.

How does this truth bless you this morning? Does it bless the lonely to know that His presence means you are never truly alone? Does it bless the unemployed who feels forgotten to know God is with you and has a perfect and provisional plan for you? Does it bless the brokenhearted to know that in your grief His constant presence is sustaining enough for you? Does it amaze us that since God is omnipresent…that is, everywhere at the same time…that as He is holding us with one hand, He is holding our departed loved one with the other hand?

King David penned the most eloquent passage perfectly expressing God’s omnipresence. May it wrap around your heart like a warm garment as you read it with God Himself sitting next to you.

Where can I go from your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me.’ Psalm 139:7-10.

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