Monday, March 25, 2019

Linking Arms with Creation

“…because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption…For we know that the whole creation groans and labors…Not only that…even we ourselves groan within…eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body.” Romans 8:22, 23b

I’ve always considered the consequences of Adam and Eve to mainly affect us since we are born into sin and live in the flesh. But this morning I am realizing that every single thing God touched in creation was subjected from the fall to sin, decay and death. When I look at the beauty in creation, I see the handiwork of God, but this morning it seems that we really only see a limited display of creation. The verse above personifies that sin ushered in the bondage of creation as a prisoner itself assigning emotions to its anticipation of a delivery. I read the most beautiful quote from John Eldredge this morning regarding the fall of mankind and its implications for all of creation. He wrote, ‘Creation sometimes screams a confusing message…Fires burn, rivers flood, winds go hurricane, the earth shudders so hard it levels cities. But you must remember – this was not so in Eden. Mankind fell, surrendering this earth to the evil one. Paul says that creation groans for the day of restoration, making it clear that everything is not as it was meant to be…the earth is broken. Which only makes the beauty that does flow so generously that much more astounding. And reassuring.’ Beautiful Outlaw – John Eldredge (New York: Faith Words, 2011) p 61.

In keeping with that powerful quote, it reminds me of how broken people can still be beautiful. The beautiful Christian heart reveals the things of Christ when facing challenging circumstances. We sit and watch the testimony of their lives reveal the beauty of their fellowship with God. Even in suffering the heart of a Christian displays its version of amazing sunrises and beautiful sunsets through the service and love for others despite what they are going through. While still broken, the Christian heart still believes in the mending touch of the Creator and the sinner has confidence in the forgiving love of Jesus.

So as we eagerly anticipate, we stand shoulder to shoulder with arms linked with creation anticipating Heaven opening, and the One who will set everything right in its beautiful restoration will join us in perfection…and Eden will be restored, and Satan will be no more!

Until then, may our lives have beauty that flows generously like creation through our communion with Christ.

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