Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Living Out Our 'Yet'

“…yet, I will trust him.” Job 13:15

It seems that every time I bring up Facebook, I am faced with yet another precious life who is called to battle a disease. This journey is certainly not one walked in a vacuum for it invades their inner circle of family and friends. A diagnosis draws an unwanted line in the sand that separates the normal from the chaotic…the before from the after…the seen to the unseen. Job fully understood what is was like to receive bad news followed by devastating news, all the while experiencing his own physical suffering. His story is documented through 42 chapters in the Bible with the majority of those chapters being His discussion with God. He had lost his children, his livelihood, his resources and eventually his physical comfort. If anyone had reasons to be angry, despaired, devastated and crushed in spirit it was Job. But Job framed all his questions around the sovereignty of God. His trust that God was doing something he couldn’t understand was met with His confidence in God's goodness. His fellowship with God wasn’t based upon his circumstances in life, rather His relationship with God.

It seems like just yesterday when within a 4-week timeframe, my dad was diagnosed with cancer, my father-in-law with Alzheimer’s and my daughter with a disease requiring intense treatment with little hope of cure. It was a dizzying time in my life as there were so many waters through which to navigate. There is so much uncertainly when medical concerns arise, and it seems that no one in the medical field is in a hurry. I have come to understand that this slow pace is a part of God’s providence. He knows how much our hearts can take, and moved according to that knowledge. It takes great trust and patience to live in the starts and stops of illness. It takes great courage to awake everyday and chose faith over fear when fear screams louder. But God does not leave us alone in our journeys and gives us the courage and grace to face our unknowns. He calls those in the inner circles to walk their own part of the journey, developing their own trust in God.

No matter what may fall upon our lives, may we look to God for our strength, confidence and trust. Whatever we will experience may these words be our companion, ‘yet I will trust Him.’ They are words of offering…words of life…words of comfort. We all have a beginning to that beautiful battle cry that begins with ‘yet.’ When your heart starts to fail just close your eyes, picture your Father and whisper ‘yet I will trust You.

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7

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