Monday, March 18, 2019

Wearing the Wrong Prescription

The other day while in the car Bruce and I were listening to a radio interview with a woman who had discovered that her biological dad was not the dad who raised her. Her mother disclosed that she was conceived through the process of insemination. She adored the man who raised her but felt she wanted to pursue the identity of her biological dad. Through resources provided she was able to meet the man who was partially responsible for her conception. It was a fine experience but one that reconfirmed her love and devotion for the dad who raised her. But it was one of her final statements that really struck my heart. She stated that it helped her better understand things that seemed out of place in her mind. She said that it was if she had been walking around with the wrong prescription all those years and that the truth had finally put everything in focus. It didn’t change her life but helped her perspective.

Immediately I began thinking about my life before I had a living relationship with God and my life since then. I had a Christian walk but not a Christ hunger, so things were distorted much like putting on glasses that prevented my 20/20 spiritual vision. Having the wrong spiritual prescription meant seeing things through the eyes of the world instead of the eyes of the Creator. Wearing the wrong prescription meant making decisions apart from the will of God. It meant my vision was obstructed by smudges and scratches from past experiences. It meant never cleaning my glasses and seeing the truth of God as it related to my sinful decisions. Most importantly, it meant pursuing my own reflection instead of trying to display His. But in 2006, He removed those eye pieces and replaced them with a new set…a set that was clearer to see the things He wanted me to see. He showed me love with Him like I had never seen before, and He showed me areas where I was living outside of His will.

This I know for sure…if I don’t take the intentional time to clean my glasses each morning, they will display the earthly residue from the day before. If I don’t align my mind with what the Word says I will have a distorted view when the world tempts me. We must commit to getting our eyes checked daily to ensure we are not living our lives through the eyes of an incorrect prescription. We cannot allow the world to write our prescription in this journey. Clarity is too imperative in getting to our destination of eternity.

One beautiful day our faith will become sight and there will be no need for glasses but for now may we see the things that God desires and may be all be attentive to His guidance.

"Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely." 1 Co 13:12

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