Friday, December 25, 2009

Belonging to God...

“He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding on to truth, for there is no truth in him…He who belongs to God hears what God says.” John 8:44, 47

I wish to begin this morning with heart felt humility and thankfulness of all of the prayers you have lifted on behalf of my family. It is been a challenging few weeks but one laced with freedom and truth.

In the past when drugs were a part of my daughter’s life Satan would continuously bombard me with his lies. “I was worthless… I was not a good mother… She didn’t deserve my love… This would end in death…. I should walk away…. I had done many things wrong… My other children will follow her…” The lies went on and on and I was truly held captive in my own prison.

It wasn’t until I pursued an intimate relationship with God that He tore down the wallpaper of lies in my mind and heart. He showed me who I was according to my Creator not some fabrication of who the enemy tried to convince me. 1 Peter 2:9 tells me that I am a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, and that I may declare the praises of him who calls me out of darkness into His wonderful light! These are my truths and they held up over the past few weeks. The enemy definitely came to wallpaper my mind again but this time God and I had another plan, a plan that matches His truth of who I am and not who the enemy says.

No matter what you circumstances are do not buy the lies! Take a few moments and write down the lies that wallpaper your mind and stack them next to Scripture. You will see that with each lie God has given us the final Word in truth.

Today marks Truth wrapped in flesh, being enough for all of us no matter what are we are experiencing and facing. We are a people belonging to God, holy, chosen, royal and saved!

What greater gift can we ever be afforded than Truth wrapped in love! Merry Christmas and love to you all!

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