Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Inmost Place...

“Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place…Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit, to sustain me.” Psalm 51: 6, 10.

I am sure that God would like a day off from creating. Just in my own life alone, I am constantly requiring the creation of a pure heart. Seems like my thoughts allow impurities to seep in and compromise God’s truth that He places in my inner parts. Some of my thoughts are habitual thoughts of being a victim and some of my thoughts are deceitful lies from the enemy that he is so successful in controlling me.

God’s goal for every one of His children is truth and wisdom in the inmost place. The word inmost means deepest, private, secret and intimate. God has access to each of these places and with our repentance and permission He will teach, create, renew and sustain.

Our thoughts primarily appear in the flesh and through choice we replace them in the spirit. We must recognize that the flesh thoughts will always be lies the enemy provides. “The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.” Rom 8:6. We must tear down the arguments in our minds that contradict God’s knowledge and truth. Once these arguments or justifications are imploded, replacing them with new truths is the essential key in a steadfast spirit that will hold up to the lies the next go around.

Either our thoughts have control of us through the power of the enemy or we have control of them through the power of God.” Beth Moore. There is no middle ground and no compromise.

Every thought must be categorized as truth or lie according to the Word. There isn’t great difficulty in discerning which is which, just difficulty in possessing the self-discipline of the process. Some lies have kept us nourished for so long they have become somewhat of a comfort food for us.

I say, “Starve the flesh and feed the spirit!” as I once read and our Creator will not have such a big job ahead of Him!

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