Saturday, December 19, 2009

Let Freedom Ring!

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Cor. 3:17.

I cannot stress enough the importance of this short little verse. It is my battle cry when things get me upset and when my focus is taken away from the security of my God.

A person’s walk on this earth will have scatterings of unmet expectations, unresolved situations and extended seasons of suffering. Our journeys are determined but the challenge is how we respond to these scatterings of events. Do we approach them knowing that through the Holy Spirit that indwells we have freedom from despair and freedom from defeat? Do we move in and through our circumstances shackled and imprisoned only to carry the heavy burdens of our hearts? Or do we put aside our anguish and allow the flow of the Holy Spirit to navigate, guide and pilot our walk?

By learning how to loosen or release the Holy Spirit in every aspect of our lives we hand over the authority and the responsibility for the outcome to someone much greater than ourselves. Without this relinquished control we approach our situation in bondage dragging the weight of our burdens along the road wearing us down, depleting our strength, and saturating our spirit with doubt and despair.

We were not meant to live life enslaved, burdened and oppressed but were rather created to be free in Christ, through Christ and because of Christ. Only the places we allow the Spirit permission to move in and through will we experience freedom.

If I worry financially, I have withheld the Holy Spirit access to that place in my life. If I worry about my daughter’s sobriety I have placed that room off limits and denied Him residency. Any area of my life that holds worry and anguish carries the truth that I have not extended an invitation to Christ. I have hung a Do Not Enter sign on that door so I will never experience freedom in that area of my life.

Christ did not die for us to stay chained and shackled but rather for us to experience the freedom we have in Him….LET FREEDOM RING!

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