Tuesday, November 2, 2010

All These Things...

“Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:3

When my daughter Caroline was 8 years old she gave me this plastic water bottle for Mother’s Day one year. Taped to the front of the bottle is a crudely made strip of paper that reads, 100 Ways I Love You! She had 100 strips of paper that she had written of ways for which we have experienced our love. To not share a few of the funny ones would do a disservice to her. (Spellcheck is having a field day!)

You married a brilyant man. (Notice, it didn’t say I am brilliant!)
You like to keep it clean. (Not sure what?)
Your face was the first face I saw.
Your very not rude.
Your very, very understandable.
Youre got good attitued.
You were my first friend.
You don’t speed.
Your clean and fresh.
Your not noisey.

As parents, our children’s response to our love is based on the invitation we extend to them. We take the initiative to develop an on-going relationship through fellowship, shared experiences and memories. The same is with our Father. He will always take the initiative to pursue a relationship with us. We must accept that initiative, enter into intimacy with Him and build a relationship based on our shared experiences.

I found in Caroline’s bottle this morning other things on her heart that morning long ago which I will repeat as I prepare my own list of ways I love God and know that He loves me.

You gave me life.
Our resemblance. (on-going pursuit!)
My heart is your heart.
The feelings in me for you.
How I can talk to you about anything.
Your comfort to me.
You are very forgiving.
You love all.
The stories we share.
The way you treat me.
You made all of us Christians.
The way you give hugs and kisses.
How you make me enjoy my life.
Our special times.
You always know what to say.
Your smile is big.
You’re loving.
You gave me family.
You know best.
You can keep secrets.
You’re generous.
You’re promising.

Caroline would have missed out on all these things if she wouldn’t have entered into this relationship with consistency, passion and complete child-like faith. She was able to grow up in this intimacy. God our Father has so much for us to experience with Him but we must seek Him first in order to fellowship.

What does your little bottle of blessings say to your Father?

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