Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Light Above

“Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, ‘Let there be light.’” Gen.1:3

We all go through seasons where our life feels formless and empty, where darkness overtakes the joy and happiness we try so desperately to attain. God is many things but first and foremost He is the Creator. He never ceases to create, to mold and to make things new.

We face exhaustion, fear and despair as our circumstances grab hold of us putting us in a tailspin and causing us to search for some kind of light in our trials. It is easy to lose sight that God created each element of nature dependent upon the other to operate in unity and purpose. He does the same thing in our lives as each trial works in unison with the former ones to create new blessings, new growth and new horizons.

Creator God hovers above our circumstances orchestrating the proper time with the proper circumstances moving us closer to the beautiful life for which He is creating for our good. He lights up the opportunities if we are submitting to His will. He separates the temporary from the permanent like the waters from the land. He creates life where we thought life was absent.

God still speaks those beautiful words that He spoke before the beginning of time…”Let there be light.”

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